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While the road of progress is certainly a long and winding one, Lisa’s expertise and her unwavering support and caring nature make her a complete pleasure to work with. Even while having my own (many and often complex) struggles with anxiety, depression and frustration/anger, I always looked forward to her sessions with me, and I always knew I would leave each session feeling better than how I felt when the session started.  


Lisa was an excellent listener (genuinely “hearing” what was being said) and always offered valuable insight and advice, even when it wasn’t always something I wanted to hear. She was patient and kind and absolutely genuine with her care and concern. She was able to assess my needs and quickly alter the course any time any special needs or circumstances arose, without hesitation and without judgement. She also shared in the joy of even the smallest of positive steps forward, being an excellent “cheering section”, and helped me to keep myself from minimizing my own progress and “victories”, as I am so often prone to do. Her knowledge, insight and instinct was on-point and truly invaluable.


I already miss our sessions, and would strongly encourage anyone seeking guidance and support with any aspect of their lives to utilize Lisa to the fullest extent. I have no doubt that they will find her as helpful as I did. She is truly a rare gem, and I appreciated her coaching so very much. I will continue to hear her voice in my head whenever I am facing an obstacle (or triumph!), and that is truly a comfort to me as I continue on my journey of self-improvement and peace-seeking.



Tracey W

When approaching Lisa, I was looking to allow more vulnerability & connection into my life. Definitely a big ask as I have lived 27 years of my life avoiding that. Lisa created a completely safe & comforting space for me to explore old beliefs and work through really challenging emotions. Lisa helped guide me to put words to emotions that I had a hard time connecting with & describing. She also helped me to view situations from an alternative perspective which was incredibly impactful to change the narrative of old stories. Since working with Lisa I have been able to restore the most important relationships in my life, yet more importantly I have been able to heal myself & hold space for past hurts in a new, compassionate way. My life is honestly forever changed because of the work I was able to do with Lisa. I am forever grateful & would absolutely recommend her to women who are in search of their own journey towards healing.

Thank you so much Lisa, I hope you have an idea of how transformative my work has been with you. So much healing.

Robyn B.

Lisa, was a wonderful nurse coach and truly was authentic, caring, and mindful of what I needed throughout my time with her.


Before I started with Lisa I was very much struggling with time management and struggle around family issues.  She was able to open so much space for me to be open, honest, and vulnerable.  It gave me the ability to see where those struggles really came from and begin to heal.  I also was able to figure out a plan that was so helpful in helping me keep track of what I am doing daily, weekly, and monthly.


I would not have been able to complete these things without the help and support from Lisa and believe that so many others would be benefited from her practice.  She truly is one of a kind and provided me with so much change and improved life!


Erika R

Before I started working with Lisa Howell I was in a state of transition. And feeling stuck. Like I was hitting a wall. And I didn't know how to climb over the wall. My coaching sessions with Lisa enabled me to climb that wall and see the possibilities on the other side.


My experience working with Lisa was absolutely fantastic! She is so professional and obviously very passionate about her coaching. She truly has the client's path in mind and gently guides them down that path. She remains focused on the goal, and lets the client move forward towards that goal.


I am definitely now unstuck! And I understand that it is okay to move forward.


I would recommend a coaching session with Lisa Howell to absolutely anyone who is unsure of where they are in life and needs a bit of focus and direction.


Bretton J

Thank you Lisa for taking your time and giving freely of your emotional support at a time I truly needed some guidance in assessing my daily routines and lack of boundaries for my personal time. Meeting with you weekly helped me be accountable to my goals of better diet and exercise and to reflect on my progress with my relationships with friends, family and neighbors. By guiding me through some self examination you were able to help me find healthier ways to feed my soul and my body.

I have since continued to take time for me and to say no to requests that rob me of joy and time that I would rather spend doing things I enjoy.


I would highly recommend your couching to anyone who would like to take a look inward at how you are feeding your spirit, we can all benefit from your guidance and caring approach to better living, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.


Thank you so much for caring, and now I think I shall take some time for Tea & Me❤️

Sandra V

The last 4 months of my life so many big things have happened and changed for me.  I felt overwhelmed, anxious and scattered.  Lisa’s coaching helped me when I needed the help the most!  She helped me realize that despite all that is happening, that it was important to invest some time and energy into the most important part of my life, ME!  She helped me realize that without this I would not have the energy to support all the other happenings in my life.   She helped me look hard at my crazy schedule and make sure I carved in some time for me.  This time was geared towards nutrition, exercise and down/fun time.  As we live in a busy world it is easy to get caught up in our ever growing to do list and not support ourselves in a positive way.  


I would definitely recommend Lisa to others as a coach.  Her approach is genuine from her heart and she wants what is best for each of her clients.  I felt comfortable opening up with Lisa and she created a safe environment to be vulnerable.


Donna B.

I found Lisa very fun and easy to work with, respectful of my privacy and supported me when I allowed myself to go places that were uncomfortable. She always was patient, provided me with not only positive feedback while often offering a different perspective or pathway for me to find my way out of a dilemma. She remained calm, honest, forthright while respecting our time together.


I find myself thinking back on our discussions, especially when I start to go down a rabbit hole. Stay present, be positive, find a touchstone, be kind to myself and remember I am worthy of love and all the good things life offers. Even though I always have thought of myself in that way, Lisa allowed me to see that I need to apply this to myself as well as others. She helped me set up a type of agreement without attaching myself to my expectations. To allow things to progress and be thankful for the good in so much. To contemplate setting up a time of day for private readings, writing or just communing with nature and once again be aware of the value of myself as well as others. Her time with me always brings a calm and smile to my heart and I am very grateful to her for this.


Barb K

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